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If you have any information about skiing at Indian Hills, please post it here in a comment or send it to us via the directions on the About MILSAP page. off Richmond, and was toboggan only that year. The AAA 1961 Winter Fun List, sent to us by Casey Buckleitner, says its on Bristol Ave. Almost no effort is made to ensure that these figures are accurate. Catherine Wood, convicted of second-degree murder after five. Find out the distance between (almost) any two places in the world You need to spell out the whole name of the place without abbreviation. The obituary states that the park was at Richmond Park on the west side of Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids Alpine Manor killer released from Florida prison. the founder of Indian Hills Ski, Toboggan, Archery and Sports Park. Karen Voike was kind enough to send me a link to the obituary of Charles Beale Jr. The map shows it somewhere on the near west side of Grand Rapids, south of I-96.

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(If a skier poached a ride on the conveyor, would that have made it the FIRST magic carpet lift in Michigan?) This guide does not print locations or addresses for the areas. It listed Indian Hills with 2 ski runs, rope tows, 2 toboggan runs with special toboggans and a return conveyor furnished. 3, 1966, The Cass City Chronicle printed the 1966 AAA Guide to Winter Sports Fun in Michigan.

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